If you aren’t already a member, I invite you to join the Freedom Yoga and Relaxation Video Library Membership. This is different from the Freedom Yoga and Relaxation YouTube channel, which has become very much more popular than I had expected (the down-side of that being that YouTube now pops adverts into my videos).
This Video Library Membership is an advert-free video service.
I carried out a survey of those on my mailing list. The results demonstrated strong interest in a video service containing short-length videos suitable for supporting home yoga practice. I offer a library of short videos suitable for building your home practice see below. Further content and categories will be added going forward.
Build Your Own Yoga Practice A well rounded Yoga Class will include the all of following elements.
Warm-up Asana (posture) Practice Pranayama (breath work) Meditation Relaxation
Most of us don’t have time for a ninety minute home practice every day. I offer in this video library, a selection of short videos in each category and some practices focused on some common complaints. You can create your home practice and change it up when you wish by choosing one or more practice from the categories. The number of offerings available will increase over time. Please contact me with any requests if there is something you would like to see included.
I am offering an “early adopters price” of £9.99 per month until 1st November 2024 when the price will increase to £12.00 per month. (Please note that unless you cancel your monthly fee, the early adopter price will remain unchanged for the life of your membership.) £9.99 equates to roughly 33 pence per day. £12.00 per month equates to 39 pence per day. I feel this offers good value in supporting your home practice and investment in your personal wellbeing.
If you are ready to take up this Video Library Membership offer, you can do so through the Freedom Yoga and Relaxation booking system. (This is a two step process. In order make this affordable, I am using a ‘workaround’ facility offered by my class booking system provider.)
Step 1 Click on the Orange Bookwhen Link Button, then click on the blue “Memberships” tab at the top left of the booking page.
Click the blue “Select” button, then the blue “View Selections” button. Now click the blue “Select tickets” button which takes you back to the booking page where you need to go….
Click the blue “Select” button, then the blue “View Selections” button. Now click the blue “Select tickets” button which takes you back to the booking page where you need to do….
Step 2 At the top of the list of classes etc, you will see “Video Library Membership”. Click to select this and read the information details and instructions. You will also see confirmation that you have selected the membership in the previous step - a green tick beside the word “added” to the right of FY&R Website Video Access (Ad-free). Now click the blue ‘View selections’ button at the bottom right. Now you see confirmation of your choice and the cost, with the green ‘Book now’ button. Click to proceed to the payment section, following the on screen instructions.
During this process you will receive a couple of emails from Bookwhen - one of these advises you to keep it for reference, in case you choose to cancel your membership. Don't forget to check your spam folder if your email does not appear. Soon after payment has been collected, you will receive an email with instructions on setting up your personal password access to the video library. Don't forget to check your spam folder if your email does not appear.