If we are unable to make ourselves heard or understood, we can shut down, give up, “become small”, feel depressed, shy. If we struggle to speak up, defend our opinions, make choices join in conversations, we may benefit from some work on our throat chakra area. Do you experience times when you struggle to find the words to explain something. Conversely, if we talk too much, have a tendency to interrupt, dominate conversations, speak uncompassionately or feel the need to have the last word, we may need to sooth the throat chakra area. Do you use the term “spit it out” when impatient to hear what somebody is trying, with difficulty to tell you. This energy centre covers the area around the neck, jaw, mouth, lips and into the shoulders. Our communication centre – relating not only to voice and hearing but other forms of communication too eg body language, expression, truth, lies, secrets, clarity of communication, listening skills, creativity, shyness, jaw tension, neck tension, shoulder tension, fear of speaking, comprehension and much more. There are believed to be links between the throat chakra energy imbalance and ear problems, gum problems, hoarseness, jaw discomfort, mouth and tongue soreness, Sinus problems and thyroid issues.
The human body resonates with the vibrations created by it and responds to vibrations that surround it. Each body is thought to have its own natural vibratory pattern. Emotions respond to vibration. When we clench muscles, a fine ripple of vibration passes throughout the rest of the body. Clench those muscles tighter and the vibration increases to perhaps a pulsing. Emotional tension does the same, the building up may be noticed but the more we learn or attune to our emotion and the more subtle changes in the body, the more likely we are to respond to the early signs. Resist or shut down those emotions and that energy or vibration has nowhere to go. Allow that emotion and the energy or vibration can take its natural path.
What messages to we give ourselves? How do we talk to ourselves? Often, we are very hard on ourselves, impatient, self-critical and self-depreciating. I certainly am but mostly, I don’t even notice until it’s pointed out to me – it has become such a habit. (I am working on this) I am sure, if we spoke to ourselves as we do to our friends, we would all be much kinder to ourselves! If you would like to explore this further with me, do get in touch via email. To download this post as a PDF for offline reading please click here.
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