Are you planning on attending a party or gathering? Do you sometimes feel anxious or awkward at such events? Do you look around and feel that everyone else is relaxed and enjoying themselves whilst you feel awkward, shy and anxious? Do you wish you could run away? If so, you do know you aren’t alone. Right? Try to remember that there are others in the room having a similar experience to you right now. Look around. If we can focus on helping those around us feel better, we can often ease ourselves out of our own stressful feelings. I confess to being uncomfortable in crowds. I love people. I love connecting people. I love making people feel happy or better in some way but I feel all those things in the second paragraph above. Here is a tip you might find helpful prior to attending an event. Give it a go. Take a few minutes in stillness. Close your eyes if you feel able to and focus on your breath for a few rounds. Place a hand lightly on your chest or tummy. Imagine being surrounded by a protective bubble (or any shape of your choice). Make this bubble comforting. Perhaps it creates a warm, radiating light or energy? Imagine this energy lifting your confidence, allowing you to smile, feel open, and welcoming of others? Imagine others being drawn to you by this energy. If you have time, try the above exercise a few times so that it becomes quicker and easier to recreate each time.
On arrival at the event, recreate that bubble and imagine radiating that positive, open energy to everyone you meet. Remember how a smile is contagious? Smiles also lighten the mood and aids relaxation. Try approaching somebody in the room, smile and introduce yourself (if you don't already know them of course - otherwise it might be a bit odd!). Ask them how they are. Remember that focusing on helping others feel at ease can reduce our own uncomfortable feelings. It is unlikely that this person will respond with anything but openness and warmth towards your energy. Try inviting another person into your conversation with the first person, introducing them and before you know it, you may have surrounded yourself with a group of relaxed new friends. The friendly energy you then share together will carry you all through the rest of the time at the event. You never know, you might even end up having a blast. I would love to know how it goes please.
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